Sunday, May 11, 2008

Ridiculous happenings on a recent trip to Montenegro

So, this week I had a very short trip to Podgorica, Montenegro. I flew down early Tuesday morning for a few meetings, including one meeting with the US ambassador (who is quite attractive BTW). I checked a small bag at the airport since I was carrying some books for work.

When I got checked into the hotel, I discovered that someone had helped themselves to a couple of items from my suitcase. What, you ask? The watch part of my heart rate monitor and the ONLY PAIR OF UNDERWEAR that I packed for my overnight trip. Thanks!

It gets better... Wednesday morning, as I getting dressed for my big important meeting (with the attractive ambassador) the zipper on my pants breaks. And I am not wearing underwear. Fortunately, my shirt is long enough that as long as I do not move my arms AT ALL no one will see my business. No easy task, as I am very animated. Luckily, and with great restraint I was successful in keeping my privates, well, private (unlike this poor guy).

UPDATE- Group shot of me trying to cover my business from the embassy site!


Serial Single said...

Oh my God, Cass. That's hilarious! :)

Serial Single said...

Oh my God, Cass. That's hilarious! :)